

Can your invention change the world?

The 50-strong team, accompanied by Professors Prof. Dr Walter Neu and Prof. Dr Thomas Schüning from the Department of Engineering, is the only team from northern Germany to be admitted to the finals of the "Hyperloop Pod Competition II".

31.07.2017: Test run

Test run in the vacuum chamber at the Bremen Centre for Space Technology and Microg. All systems work reliably under pressure conditions which correspond to about six times the altitude of a transatlantic flight.

18.08.2017 : From the province to the metropolis

 The leap across the pond has been made, the racing team in Los Angeles has moved in and is being prepared for testing. The 1.1 tonne air cargo was cleared by customs on 17.08.17. Since the planned delivery on 14.08.17 unfortunately fell through, the students had to compress their schedule significantly and use every free minute to complete the remaining work on time.

20.08.2017: The start of the competition

After the high-speed capsule has been checked over and made functional again, the pod is transported to SpaceX's headquarters in Los Angeles.
The magnets were tuned for competition conditions on dedicated test tracks and the drum brakes were adjusted and optimised

23.08.2017: The first days at SpaceX

SpaceX führte zunächst einige Sicherheitstests bezüglich der kritischen Komponenten der Hochgeschwindigkeitskapsel durch, welche mit Bravour abgeschlossen wurden. An den folgenden Tagen müssen die Studenten den kritischen Fragen der SpaceX Mitarbeiter standhalten und ihre Systeme in diversen Tests unter Beweis stellen. Nur wer den Juroren beweisen kann, dass das System auch unter den Bedingungen der Vakuumröhre funktioniert, darf schlussendlich in die Röhre.

24.08.2017: Blitznews

Der Pod wurde gerade in der Vakuumkammer des Raumfahrtunternehmens SpaceX getestet und mit Bravour bestanden!

25.08.2017: The test on external rails

For the last few days, the students had to prove that their pod would pass the full run in the tube. After this was completed, the students were allowed to test the pod on the external track on which the vehicle is pushed with a pusher. Now it will be released for the open air tube. A complete run only under air pressure instead of vacuum conditions! After all these tests, the magnets can be used!

27.08.2017 North German team wins innovation award

Although they were unfortunately not selected for the final run on Sunday, the Medan company and the whole team is proud to be among the top 6 of 150 teams worldwide. The team was honoured by SpaceX with an innovation award at the "Hyperloop Pod Competition II"! With this award for safety and brake control systems, they secure one of three innovation awards given.
In an exciting pre-final after six days of competition, the team was nominated on Saturday afternoon as one of seven teams for the test run in the vacuum tube at normal pressure. This was the last hurdle to be allowed to start in the final run. The availability of the test track was limited due to technical difficulties on the last day, so that this final test could not be carried out. The students were able to present themselves in perfect technical condition in all previous tests. For safety reasons, only the teams that have passed all safety tests are allowed into the tube with their competition vehicle.

We congratulate the WARR Hyperloop Team of TU Munich for their victory in the competition!

This year's international "Hyperloop Pod Competition II", announced by the Californian aerospace company SpaceX of US billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, sees university teams from all over the world competing with their prototypes, the so-called pods. This summer, the hovering cars will be tested realistically on a 1.2km test track in California, built by SpaceX especially for this purpose, and then judged on speed. The teams have the task of developing the prototype from scratch. Thus, the students have to create their own design, as well as build their own construction. The competition is designed to gather innovative ideas and creative thinking to make the Hyperloop available to the public in the near future. Durch den regen Kontakt zwischen Studenten und Firmen können Unternehmen wie SpaceX, Hyperloop One, Hyperloop Inc und Tesla, welche mit der Revolution der Raumfahrt und dem Bau eines massentauglichen Elektroautos sehr ambitionierte Ziele haben, stark profitieren.